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The Dalles Lions Club


Click on Zoom link above to join Regular Zoom Meeting each Tuesday at noon.

Who we are

Vision Statement

To be the global leader in community and humanitarian service.

Mission Statement

To empower volunteers to serve their communities, meet humanitarian needs, encourage peace and promote international understanding through Lions clubs.

We are a diverse group of men and women from all walks of life working together for the betterment of our community. Each year, the The Dalles Lions Club sponsor activities and fundraisers to support the ongoing needs of our community bringing hope to many in need. Members of our club volunteer countless hours to provide glasses, hearing aids, medical procedures, or just a helping hand to those that are facing challenges in life. We are proud to be Lions

What we do

The focus of The Dalles Lions Club is related to sight conservation, hearing and speech conservation, diabetes awareness, youth outreach, international relations, and other programs that support the local communities where Lions live. Lions are also passionate about developing effective leadership skills in their members.

Where we go

The Dalles Lions' Club visits schools, retirement centers, hospitals, civic auditoriums, homes, and other service clubs. In other words, any place there is a need.

When do we meet

We gather once a week for meetings at noon. Spooky's Pizza and Restaurant has been a gratious host for many years and continue to provide a warm friendly place to meet. Our greeter will arrive a bit early and ensure that every member is properly greeted. Generally, our weekly agenda will include an invocation, the Pledge of Allegience, and a rousing song. We then conduct a business meeting with a formal program starting at 12:30. Our meetings end by 1:00 to allow those working folks the opportunity of returning to their individual work site. Most importantly...we have fun.

Club Number 12949

District 36 G

Lion Ethan Wray

Meetings Tuesdays at 12:00PM

SPOOKYS/Sorosis Park outdoors

3320 W 6TH ST (Map)

© 2016 Tmac Productions


 PRESIDENT - Ethan Wray

1st VICE PRESIDENT - Brad Durso

2nd Vice President - Dr. Joseph Rankin

3rd Vice President -  TBA

Past PRESIDENT -Jeff Stiles

SECRETARY - Kris Harmon


TAIL TWISTER- Carolyn Layson

MEMBERSHIP - Rose Mays//Ruth Emett



P.O. Box 235

The Dalles, Oregon 97058

Tax EIN: 38-3941849

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