New Members
New Member Guide
Each meeting begins with the ringing of the Lion Bell. At approximately 12:00 to 12:05 depending on the length of the order line, when a majority of members are present the meeting is called to order.
The meeting begins with an invocation followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. We then sing a song such as America the Beautiful,or other patriotic song.
Each meeting, the tail twister collects 25 cents for the administrative fund and later 25 cents for a fine. It is usually a fine for not arriving on time or some other nonsensical reason. This is meant to be a fun activity.
Guests are introduced at the beginning of the meeting and visitors welcomed. A lion is selected from the green notepad found on the table at the back of the room. This note is collected with the 25 cents and is how the secretary takes roll. A greeter will meet and greet each lion as they arrive at the next meeting.
At the end of the business meeting, the tail twister will collect the 25 cents and then we have the 50/50. Before the meeting starts, a lion will collect $1.00 if you want to play. When the wheel is spun, the number will be shared and if your number is called, then you win 50% of the monies that accumulate if there is no winner for the week. Sometimes, this results in a couple of hundred bucks.
After the 50/50, we introduce our guest speaker or prepare to depart for a mobile meeting like two week ago. It is a tradition at The Dalles Lions to give a standing ovation to our guest speaker. We try to make the topic diverse and relevant to Lions or our community.
Last year, we started a joke at the end of the meeting and Elton Fadness is the jokester. If he is not present, then we have backups. It is always pleasant to end the meeting on a fun note.
The meeting is then adjourned by the president.
We do have a moment of happiness, which costs a buck to share a moment with the members. Caution, check your seat before sitting down and watch for ice cubes or wet napkins.. Also, things can come up missing, but the rule is that they need to be returned by meeting end.
The Dalles Lions Club Membership Dues
Single member $85.00
Family of 2 members $150.50.
Please send your payment to:
The Dalles Lions Club
P. O. Box 235
The Dalles, OR 97058
Thank you.
Kris Harmon, TD Lions Club Secretary
Club Number 12949
District 36 G
Lion Ethan Wray
Meetings Tuesdays at 12:00PM
SPOOKYS/Sorosis Park outdoors
3320 W 6TH ST (Map)
© 2016 Tmac Productions
PRESIDENT - Ethan Wray
1st VICE PRESIDENT - Brad Durso
2nd Vice President - Dr. Joseph Rankin
3rd Vice President - TBA
Past PRESIDENT -Jeff Stiles
SECRETARY - Kris Harmon
TAIL TWISTER- Carolyn Layson
MEMBERSHIP - Rose Mays//Ruth Emett
P.O. Box 235
The Dalles, Oregon 97058
Tax EIN: 38-3941849